Real-time tracking

Real-time tracking allows businesses to track the movement of their goods in real time, from when they leave the warehouse to when they reach their destination

Real-time tracking

Real-time tracking is a vital feature of Atlassys TMS because it enables companies to track the movement of their goods and assets in real-time. It provides businesses with accurate and up-to-date information on the location and status of their shipments, which helps them make informed decisions about their transportation operations. Real-time tracking also allows businesses to quickly identify and resolve any issues or delays in their loads, reducing the risk of lost or damaged goods.

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It is 100% cloud based – so you have no hardware to buy, no installations, and no setup headaches.

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With Atlassys TMS real-time tracking, companies can monitor the entire transportation process, from pickup to delivery, in real-time. This level of visibility allows businesses to proactively identify potential issues and take corrective action to prevent them. It also enables companies to optimize their transportation operations by identifying areas where they can improve efficiency and reduce costs.

With real-time tracking, companies can provide their customers with accurate and up-to-date information on the status of their shipments. This helps to improve customer communication and reduces the risk of customer complaints due to delayed or lost shipments.

As businesses continue to rely on transportation to deliver their goods, real-time tracking within Atlassys TMS will become even more critical to their success.

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